Liminal seeks to answer the question, why do queer/trans people gravitate towards the paranormal? The 10 episode first season of this docuseries combines interviews, paranormal investigations, and help from practitioners of the “strange” to paint a picture of magic, trans experience, and the interesting history of their overlap in the American South. 

The series follows a main cast of non-binary investigator Dash Kwiatkowski, their co-Host Rosa Escandón, and practicing witch, Rockette Fox, and features interviews and paranormal investigations with queer and trans people living and practicing various types of magic in the South.

Liminal comes at a more important time than ever. The South is in many ways an unsafe place for queer and trans people. While recent legal attacks hope to expel and harm trans people in the region, many queer and trans people call the American South their home.

Liminal seeks to elevate these voices even in the midst of laws that try to silence them. In doing so, Liminal explores not only the unknown, but also the beautiful and powerful lives of queer and trans people of color in the deep south.

Liminal also seeks to inform people who live comfortably in cities on the coasts that there are queer and trans people of color who have beautiful and powerful lives in the deep south.